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Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware | Hong Kong

Built in the 1840s, Flagstaff House is an elegant reminder of Hong Kong’s colonial heritage. Formerly the office and residence of the commander of the British Forces in Hong Kong, it is one of the oldest examples of Greek Revival architecture in the city.

Its first occupant was Major-General G C D'Aguilar, who served as general officer commanding from 1844 to 1846 and who also held the appointment of lieutenant governor. Flagstaff House continued to be the residence of the commander of the British forces up until 1978, when it was handed over to the Hong Kong government. The building hasn’t been immune to Hong Kong’s turbulent life and, during the Second World War, it was hit twice by Japanese shells in the Battle of Hong Kong, but repaired quickly when it was commandeered for use by officers of the occupying forces.

Museum of Tea Ware
Flagstaff House was converted into the Museum of Tea Ware in 1984 with a new wing, the K.S. Lo Gallery, added in 1995. Alongside its exhibitions, the museum holds regular demonstrations, tea gatherings and lecture programmes to promote ceramic art and China’s enduring tea drinking culture.

More info: Flagstaff House Museum